Application scenarios

In this section we provide a step-by-step explanation of two application scenarios of EpiRegio. The two scenarios are similar to those in our paper EpiRegio: Analysis and retrieval of regulatory elements linked to genes (TODO: add link).

How to use EpiRegio to identify TF’s target genes using ChIP-seq peak regions?

The application scenario is based on the section Elucidation of disease pathways directly from a TF-ChIP experiment from our paper.

Step 1: Downloaded the binding locations of the TF of interest, for instance from the ENCODE database as a BED file. As an example, we use the ChIP-seq peaks of TF ARID3A with the accession number ENCFF002CVL. Either click here to get the data from the ENCODE webpage or download it via:

wget ''.

Unzip the file using e.g.:

gzip -d ENCFF002CVL.bed.gz

Step 2: Use EpiRegio’s Region Query to search for REMs overlapping at least by 50% with the TF-ChIP peaks. Go to, click choose File and upload the unzipped ChIP-seq peaks from Step 1. Next to the upload field, you can see an option Overlap percentage (optional) to define the percentage the binding locations and the REMs should overlap. Since we want a 50% overlap, type 50 in this field and click Query Database. TODO: add screenshot where you see exactly this

Step 3: Click the bottom Functional enrichment analysis g:Profiler in the upper left corner, to perform a GO term enrichment analysis using g:Profiler (default parameters) of the resulting REMs. TODO: add screenshot

How to use EpiRegio to identify enriched TFs of a set of genes of interest

The application scenario is based on the section Identify enriched transcription factors of differentially expressed genes from our paper. To perform the analysis the motif enrichment tool PASTAA and bedtools must be installed on your machine. TODO: add TRAP script with normalization on GitHub page

Step 1: As an example, we consider a set of differential expressed genes based on a single-cell RNAseq data set from Glaser et al. (cite), where Human Umbilical Endothelial Cells (HUVECs) were treated with TGF-beta to trigger an endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndoMT). However, the analysis works with every set of genes. If you want to perform the example you can download the differential expressed genes from our GitHub repository (link).

Step 2: Use EpiRegio’s Gene Query to identify the REMs assoiacted to the genes of interest. Go to, click choose File and upload the file from Step 1. Enter heart to the field Filter for cell types/tissues. We are interested in the regulatory effects of the REMs for the tissue heart because endothelial cells within the heart undergo EndoMT during cardiac development. If your are using an individual data set, please also choose a celltype or tissue which is most suitable for your data. Next click Query Database. TODO: add screenshot

Step 3: To apply PASTAA, we need a ranking of the resulting REMs. Therefore, we sort them in descending order based on the column heart score. To do so, click on the arrows next to heart score. Download the resulting table by clicking on the bottom CSV. TODO: add screenshot

Step 4: Next we determine the DNA-sequence of the identified REMs using bedtools and run PASTAA to perform the motif enrichment analysis. In our GitHub repository we provide a workflow to run the analysis. Download the folder … (link). There we also provide a set of TF binding motifs downloaded from the JASPAR database (version 2020). To run the workflow the following command can be used:

bash <Motifs> <pathToPASTAA> <pathToBedtools> <REMs> <outputDir> <pvalue>,

where <Motifs> represents the path to the TF motif file, <pathToPASTAA> is the path to the PASTAA source folder, <pathToBedtools> is the path to the bedtools source folder, <REMs> is the path to the downloaded csv-file, and <output> is the path to a user-defined output folder. If the Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p-value from PASTAA smaller or equal the parameter <pvalue> the TF motif is assumed to be significant enriched. For this example,set the <pvalue> to 0.05. The resulting significant enriched TF motifs are stored in <outputDir>/PASTAA_result.txt. TODO: Addscreenshoot from result.

How to use EpiRegio to identify TF binding sites within REMs of a gene of interest

this is not a application scenario from the paper

Step 1: Gene Query

Step 2: bedtools getFasta

Step 3: use fimo, provide JASPAR motifs in meme format